falco columbarius การใช้
- Adult falcons of small species such as kestrels and merlins ( " Falco columbarius " ) can be taken quite easily.
- Other avian predators of adults have included peregrine falcons ( " Falco peregrinus " ) and merlins ( " Falco columbarius " ).
- In 1935, the Air Ministry issued a specification, Merlin " after a small, Northern Hemisphere falcon ( " Falco columbarius " ).
- More than twenty species of hawk, owl and falcon are known to occasionally predate feral starlings in North America, though the most regular predators of adults are likely to be urban-living peregrine falcons or merlins ( " Falco columbarius " ).
- The park hosts a large variety of avian species; the following bird species are the most notable : " Accipiter striatus, Aquila chrysaetos, Circus cyaneus, Falco columbarius, Falco mexicanus, Falco peregrinus, Rhynchopsitta terrisi, Speotyto cunicularia ", and " Spizella wortheni ".
- It also supports an outstanding invertebrate fauna and bird assemblage, including European nightjar " Caprimulgus europaeus ", wood lark " Lullula arborea ", Dartford warbler " Sylvia undata ", Eurasian hobby " Falco subbuteo ", hen harrier " Circus cyaneus " and merlin " Falco columbarius ".